Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Beginning of the End

Junior year of College just has a ring to it. It's the year that you will never forget because it matters the most. In high school, junior year was the pinnacle of my success. It was where I came into my own as a human being. It was the year that the world finally began to make sense with me. It's easy to lose sight when your in the long run. Change comes and you must adapt, yet you find yourself four years into the future, hopefully with no regret.

The two years that matter the most are Freshman and Junior year, not saying that the others don't hold importance. However, these two mark the beginning and the beginning of the end. It's a relief and sadness to say that the halfway mark has been met and the clock is ticking down. Freshman and Sophomore year are adjustments to college life such as learning the ropes, attaining the status of familiarity, and getting the prerequisites done. Last year was my year to get the perquisites out of the way, now I can focus on the getting the end in sight.

The work has gotten harder, but the challenge is the best part. They may overwhelm you and it may feel like you're getting kicked when your down. You may call into question your motivation, but that pain is only temporary. We've all had those times where everything just seems like it crumbling, where you don't think you can make it or keep up. I had that last week, with paper due, quiz, test, quiz, exam, homework, test, quiz, read this many pages, and memorize that. You lose sleep and you crave not having to bury your nose within a book. Reality check dawns, this is what I signed up for and this is actually gonna make a difference. Then I kept on going because it all just made sense.

If you take one lesson away from this, its the following. When it all just seems too much, keep your peace of mind. I don't think about what I can't do. I think about what I want to do and how to do it. Try looking at the world in a new angle, you can surpass all the indecision and emotion. Maybe it might even surprise and delight you.

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